Publicaciones Nacionales e Internacionales
Tesis de grado y tesis de título (Descargables)
Tesis de Doctorado
«Transiciones Radiativas en Elpasolitas Estequiométricas”, Andrés Roberto Soto Bubert. Profesor Guía y Patrocinante. Roberto Acevedo. Escuela de Postgrado. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Universidad de Chile. (2006)
Tesis de Pregrado
“Obtención de Fertilizantes Fosfatados (S.F.T.) a partir de Roca Fosfórica Importada y Ácido Sulfúrico Nacional, Anteproyecto de una Factibilidad Técnico Económica”, Andrés Soto Bubert, Facultad de Ciencias
Físicas y Matemáticas, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, U. de Chile, Santiago, Chile. (2006)
Publicaciones Nacionales / Internacionales
Viscosity modelling of chlorinated brines in three-component systems
with a continuously variable temperature range between 293-323 K
Andres Soto-Bubert, Rashmi Bhardwaj, Satheeshkumar Rajendran, Roberto Acevedo
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis
Limonite levels under macroscopic observations at the La Palmera underground mine. Chancón Mining District. VI Region, Chile.
Diego Onetto, Andres Soto-Bubert, Vlamir Muñoz, Mauricio Sepulveda, Roberto Acevedo.
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024
Semi-empirical model for calculating the viscosity of KF aqueous solution.
Andrés Soto-Bubert, Laura Spinelli, Mauricio Sepúlveda, Roberto Acevedo.
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024
Rare earth processes. A review on Industrial Applications
Araceli Rodriguez, Nayareth Muñoz, Benjamín Ramírez, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Mauricio Sepúlveda, Satheeshkumar Rajendran, Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024
Comparative analysis of Physical and Mechanical properties of starch base bioplastic derived from pulp and peel production
Aeysha Sultan, Hira Sultan, Waseem Shahzad, Aftaab Kareem, Aqsa Liaqat, Zaman Ashraf, Ayesha Shahid, Abdul Rauf, Shagufta Saeed, Tahir Mehmood, Mary am, Andres Soto-Bubert, Roberto Acevedo
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2024
Optimization of iron nanoparticle size through green synthesis using leaf extract from selective members of citrus family
Samavia Sajid, Aeysha Sultan, Ashi Rashid, Tahir Mehmood, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Roberto Acevedo, Maryam Zahra, Bushra Nisar, Zeshan Ali Sandhu, Noreen Sajjad
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2024
Density Modelling of Chlorinated Brines on Symbolic Regression
Mauricio Sepúlveda, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024
Density modeling of chlorinated brines in two and three-component systems
Andrés Soto-Bubert, Joaquin Miranda, Rashmi Bhardwaj, Satheeshkumar Rajendran, Roberto Acevedo
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis, 2024
The development of Lithium Industry in Chile: A multifactorial challenge.
Vlamir Muñoz, Andrés Soto-Bubert y Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Trends in nanotechnlogy Part I: Cile -Metallic Resource
Isidora Garrido, Andrés Soto-Bubert y Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Impact of Fleet Allocation on production indicators insurface mining
Elias Tapia, Camila González, Jaime Mora, Andrés Soto, Manuel Cánovas y Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Analytical funtions associated with the heat capacities Cp(T). Relevant Speciesin the copper metallurgy
Victoria Anza, Juan P. Queupil, Andrés Soto- Bubert, Rajendran Satheesh Kumar, Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Mathematical testing and adjustment to measure the in situ soaking of halite brines salts in the solar Pond
Andrés Soto-Bubert, Shajahan Shanavas, Roberto Cabrales and Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
The development of the Lithium Industry in Chile: A multifactorial challenge
Vlamir Muñoz, Andrés Soto – Bubert y Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023
Towards Effective Teaching in the Post-Pandemic Stage.
College and University Education. Chile a case of Study
Roberto Acevedo, Andrés Soto, Sissi Acevedo
The 9th Intraders International Conference On Social Sciences And Education Abstract Book, 2023
The importance of lithium resources in the chilean economy: geological, political, economic and productive factors relevant to the development of the lithium industry in Chile
Andrés Soto, Roberto Acevedo, Vlamir Muñoz
Academic Studies In Social, Humanities And Administrative Sciences, 2023
Analysis of the Impact of Rolling Resistance on Performance Indicators of Loading and Hauling Operations in Open-pit Mining
Elías Tapia, Ariel Salazar, Kevin Collao, Gonzalo Escudero, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Luis de la Torre Urzúa and Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2022
Towards Effective Teaching in the Post-Pandemic Stage. College and University Education. Chile a case of Study
Roberto Acevedo, Sissi B Acevedo, Andrés Soto-Bubert
Academic Studies on Social and Economic Issues, 2022
Chilean Export of Lithium Carbonate: Production Chain and Market Variables
Daniel Alamos-Pichuncheo, Barbara Valenzuela, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Roberto Acevedo
Nanoscale Reports, 2022
Predictor Modelling of Production Tonnages of Two Truck Fleets of a South American Open-pit Mining Company
Elias Tapia, Jeffri S Quispealaya, Yeminna Z Huari, Nelida Tantavilca, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Luis de la Torre Urzúa, Roberto Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2022
Challenges facing higher education institutions in chile in training learners in entrepreneurship and future of work. Chile a case of study
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert
International Journal of Higher Education Management 8 (1), 2021
Study of Techniques to Determine Loading and Hauling Fleets in Open-Pit Mining
E Tapia, A Salazar, M Pávez, A Vivanco, A Soto-Bubert, R Acevedo
Indian Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics 12 (1and2), 25-37, 2021
Experimental study recovery potassium by leaching a mixture salt Halita-Silvita, using saturated brine halite agent leached like
L Altamirano, A Soto-Bubert, V Muñoz, R Acevedo
Nanoscale Reports 4 (2), 1-9, 2021
Deaths in the Chilean Mining Industry: An Analysis of Factors Associated with the Fatalities of the Accident
E Tapia, A Salazar, A Soto-Bubert, R Acevedo
Indian Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics 12 (1and2), 59-75, 2021
Management of Scheduled Delays and Their Impact on Operating Costs and Production in Open-Pit Mining Sites
Elias Tapia, Angélica Vivanco, Marcelo Paez, Manuel Canovas, Ariel Salar, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Roberto Acevedo
Indian Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics 12 (1and2), 1-14, 2021
Producción chilena de molibdeno: influencia en el mercado mundial y su comportamiento exportador (2007-2016)
RD Ovalle, BV Klagges, AS Bubert, VM Pavlov, IV Klagges
Revista de economia del rosario 23 (1), 149-172, 2020
Chilean Molybdenum production: Influence on the world market and its export behavior (2007-2016)
Ricardo Donoso Ovalle, Bárbara Valenzuela Klagges, Andrés Soto Bubert, Vlamir Muñoz Pavlov, Ivan Valenzuela Klagges
Universidad del Rosario, 2020
Experimental study recovery potassium by leaching a mixture salt halita-silvita, using saturated brine halite agent leached like
L Altamirano, AS Bubert, V Munoz, R Acevedo
Frontiers in Recent Materials 1 (1), 17-26, 2020
Chilean export of lithium carbonate: production chain and market variables
DA Pichuncheo, B Valenzuela, AS Bubert, R Acevedo
Frontiers in Recent Materials 1 (1), 1-16, 2020
Feasibility for Network Flows with Blending Constraints: Application to Lithium Mining
PJ BOSCH PÉREZ, A Soto-Bubert, R Acevedo
Chilean Molybdenum Production: World-Market Influence and Its Exporter Behavio/Produccion chilena de molibdeno: influencia en el mercado mundial y su comportamiento exportador (2007-2016)/Producao chilena de molibdenio: influencia no mercado mundial e seu comportamento exportador (2007-2016).
RD Ovalle, BV Klagges, AS Bubert, VM Pavlov, IV Klagges
Revista de Economía del Rosario 23 (1), 149-173, 2020
Feasibility for Network Flows with Blending Constraints: Application to Lithium Mining
P Bosch, A Soto-Bubert, R Acevedo
Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 11 (1), 12-30, 2020
A Calculation Model of the General Theory of Interaction Potentials for Stoichiometric Lanthanide Type Crystals: Applications to the Cs(2)KLnCl(6) System
Andrés Soto, Roberto Acevedo
Scientific Reports Nature, 2019
Rare Earth Type Materials and Its Industrial Applications
FH Sanhueza, AS Bubert, R Acevedo
Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 10 (2), 162-177, 2019
Problema no convexo sobre una red de flujo: Aplicaciones a un problema de soluciones químicas
Paul Bosch, Ronald Castillo, Pablo Rey, Andrés Soto – Bubert
Submitted for publication, 2018
Un Centro de Proyectos I+D+i para la Gran Minería
Revista “Gestión Minera”, ISSN 0718 – 3577, 39, 45 (2010)
Relaves Mineros, un foco de investigación y de proyectos
Revista “Gestión Minera”, ISSN 0718 – 3577, 40, 65 (2010)
Microstructure of calcite and aragonite in some Chilean gastropods and bivalves molluscs
R Acevedo, AS Bubert, MJ Guevara, M Belmar
Chili: Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Mayor, 2010
On the theory of interaction potentials in ionic crystals: An application to the thermodynamics of lanthanide type crystals
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, MEG Valerio, W Stręk
Asian Journal of Spectroscopy 13, 2009
Spectral intensities for the Cs2NaDyCl6 and Cs2NaHoCl6 systems
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, G Navarro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134 (1), 012026, 2008
Synthesis and characterization of lepidocrocite and its potential applications in the adsorption of pollutant species
G Navarro, R Acevedo, A Soto, M Herane
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134 (1), 012023, 2008
On the theory of interaction potentials in ionic crystals
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134 (1), 012025, 2008
Spectral intensities for the Cs {sub 2} NaDyCl {sub 6} and Cs {sub 2} NaHoCl {sub 6} systems
R Acevedo, G Navarro, A Soto-Bubert
Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online) 134, 2008
Theory of the normal modes of vibrations in the lanthanide type crystals
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134 (1), 012024, 2008
Spectral intensities in trivalent lanthanide systems: Applications to the Cs2NaDyCl6 and Cs2NaHoCl6 crystals
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, P Bosch, W Strek
Journal of alloys and compounds 461 (1-2), 53-57, 2008
A new approach and some criteria to deal with the theory of the normal modes of vibrations in the elpasolite stoichiometric type systems short range intramolecular interactions
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, P Bosch, W Strek
Journal of Molecular Structure 843 (1-3), 116-127, 2007
Theory of the normal modes of vibrations in the Lanthanide type crystals
R. Acevedo, A. Soto-Bubert
XV-Sociedad Chilena de Física. Noviembre 15-17, Poster, 2006. Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, La Reina.
On the theory of interaction potentials in ionic crystals
R. Acevedo, A. Soto-Bubert
XV-Sociedad Chilena de Física. Noviembre 15-17, Poster, 2006. Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, La Reina.
Spectral intensities. Aplication to the Cs_2 NaDyCl_6 and Cs_2 NaHoCl_6
R. Acevedo, A. Soto-Bubert, G. Navarro
XV-Sociedad Chilena de Física. Noviembre 15-17, Poster, 2006. Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, La Reina.
Síntesis y caracterización de Lepidocrocita y sus potenciales aplicaciones en la adsorción de especies contaminantes.
G. Navarro, R. Acevedo, I. Escobar, A. Soto-Bubert, M. Herane
XV-Sociedad Chilena de Física. Noviembre 15-17, Poster, 2006. Comisión Chilena de Energía Nuclear, La Reina.
Generalized vibronic methods applications in stoichometric elpasolitas systems of type Cs2NaErCl6
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, T Meruane, G Navarro
REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA 51 (4), 330-348, 2005
AR Soto-Bubert
Métodos vibrónicos generalizados aplicaciones a sistemas del tipo elpasolitas estequiométricas Cs2NaErCl6
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, T Meruane, G Navarro
Revista mexicana de física 51 (4), 330-348, 2005
Síntesis y caracterización estructural de las elpasolitas estequiométricas de Dy 3+ y Ho 3+
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, G Navarro, V Martín
Rev. mex. fis, 05-13, 2005
Síntesis y caracterización estructural de las elpasolitas estequiométricas de Dy3+ y Ho3+
AS Bubert, R Acevedo, V Martín, G Navarro
Revista Mexicana de Física 51 (1), 5-13, 2005
Elementos de electroquímica
ML Cerón, A Soto–Bubert
Obtenido de Academia: https://d1wqtxts1xzle7. pdf, 2004
Spectral Intensities for the Emission |S Γ> → |I Γ>in the CsNaErCl
R Acevedo, A Soto-Bubert, G Navarro, T Meruane, W Stręk
Acta Physica Polonica A 105 (3), 233-251f, 2004
Three yttrium crotonate complexes with diimines
AM Atria, JC Muñoz, A Soto, MT Garland, R Baggio
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 2004
Three yttrium crotonate complexes with diimines
AM Atria Salas, JC Muñoz, A Soto, MT Garland, R Baggio